
Vegetarianism absolutely essential for spiritual life. In fact, spirituality and vegetarianism are synonymous. EVERY BODY HAS TO BECOME A VEGETARIAN.

Quantum vibrational science is slowly recognizing the ill effects of animal food in human systems. The cardinal principle of any religious movement is love. Love is nothing other than being kind to our co-animal-beings of the earth. ANIMALS ARE NOT FOOD FOR HUMANS.

Further, we can’t afford to over eat. We should eat only according to our need ... not according to our greed. Only when we are hungry, we may eat. If you are not hungry, you should ever eat.


Health Benefits of Vegetarianism

Vegetarian Diet « besides grains, pulses, edible roots, tubers and leaves. includes fruits, both fresh and dry. Dry fruit includes nuts like almonds, pistachio, walnut etc. I have always been in favour of pure vegetarian diet. But experience has taught me that in order to keep perfectly fit, Vegetarian Diet must include milk and milk products such as curds, butter, ghee etc.

Vegetables and fruits should come third on our list. Among fresh vegetables, a fair amount of leafy vegetables must be taken every day. A fair helping of ordinary fresh vegetables is advisable.

As for fruits, our daily diet should include the available fruits of the season. The best time for taking fruit is in the early morning. A breakfast of fruit and milk should give full satisfaction. Those who take an early lunch may well have a breakfast of fruit only. Banana is a good fruit. But as it is very rich in starch, it takes the place of bread. Milk and banana make a perfect meal.

Source: "An Autobiography.. The Story of My Experiments With Truth "by" M.K. Gandhi"

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