The Core Message to everyone is that “We are not just physical entities experiencing random existence. Instead, we are `Eternal Energy-Consciousness—Wisdom(ECW) Entities’ constantly choosing and creating our own respective on-going existential realities.”
Mahavatar aims to help individuals get rid of stress and experience the inner peace. We offer stress-elimination programs which includes Meditation, Corporate Meditation classes, workshops/sessions from Masters/Saints from all over the world, Retreats , Camps and Energy healing etc. These programs helps millions around the world to overcome stress, depression and violent tendencies and many other problems of BODY, MIND AND SOUL.
Chennam Rangaswamy & Lakshmi Rangaswamy
Mahavatar foundation is a spiritual organization founded by Mr. Chennam Rangaswamy and Lakshmi Rangaswamy in 2009 (formerly known as CMRS meditation centre) under guidence of Patriji, Which is a non-cult, not-for-profit, non-religious, public service organization with an evergrowing expanse of genuine spiritual seekers.
Founder, PSSM India
A spiritual reading can be life-transforming in various ways. And reading good books is one of the best investments one can make with time and money. The eventual reality remains the same that spiritual awakening book has the power to heal and repair. Good books are known for the everlasting impression which they leave in the reader’s life. The motive behind the spiritual books is to help one realize and achieve the divine aim and light.
For spiritual enlightenment, * Right Meditation has to be done. * Right Books have to be read. * Listen to the personal transformation stories/experiences of people, who have gone through the above TWO.
What is “Right Meditation”? “Right Meditation” or “Samma Sati” is “Anapanasati” or “Breath Observation” “Comfortable Pranayama” What are “Right Books”? Books about Personal Experiences obtained through 1. Meditation 2. Hypnotic Regression/Progression 3. Channelling etc.
I have READ all the “Right Books”. I have STUDIED all the “Right Books”. I have DIGESTED all the “Right Books”. The current Great “Right Book” that I am reading at the time of writing this is “NINE FREEDOMS” by George King!.
- Patriji
As a result of GROUP MEDITATION, a SOUL’s Mind gets purified much faster and the SOUL progresses more speedily ..because it obtains a collectivity of energies of so many Positive and Progressive SOULS. and, further, One easily gets Collective Protection because of living in a community of ENLIGHTENED SOULS. - Patriji
First and foremost, the goal of our gathering is always to simply step aside from the busyness of our lives for one hour. However, the deeper purpose is to allow ourselves the time to connect with our lives from a place of stillness, non-judgment and self-acceptance. There is beauty in taking the time to gather together as a community to simply embrace peace and stillness.
We often find ourselves burning through our days, hurrying from one task to the next. The pace of our lives can be both physically and emotionally exhausting. We are always in the running and doing. In the chaotic pace of our lives, we rarely take the time to simply “be”. Questions answered about meditation & Spiritual life and experience sharing durring this gathering along with group meditation.
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